mercredi 31 août 2011


I recently discovered this "version", though I've been thinking about playing Necromunda for quite some time. I actually prefer =I=Munda, as you can include pretty much anything/anyone you want, though the rule in my group is "No over-powered killing machines, such as Astartes!" so it should be fun playing :)

I've managed to gather a group of 4 friends (including me) to start collecting and playing =I=Munda/Necromunda. Not too sure what each person will be playing yet but I do have a rough idea:

- K. will most probably have a warband of hideous creatures, creations of his main character Mister To-Be-Named. He's actually an Ork player, so I guess his choice is kind of natural ;)

- V. will be delving into the murky world of the AdMech. He's new to 40k so we'll see how he copes with it all and what he does ;)

- M. hasn't been asked yet what kind of warband he would like to to have. I'll ask him next time I see him.

- As for myself, I'm not too sure. I may do Inquisiton, but then maybe not. I still have to think about this. I'll choose soon enough though!

Cheers for reading!


The Warhammer 40k universe and I

Hello all,

The aim of this post is just to explain what I'm going to be trying to do/show on this blog of mine.

Firstly, I would like to show the internet community some of my work (mostly GW models) and discuss different aspects of the hobby.

Secondly, I would like people to inspire themselves with what they see here, just as I've inspired myself with content from other blogs on the web.

Finally, I would like this blog to keep me going in my attempt to finally have something that I can be proud of, such as an army and/or a warband.

Cheers for reading!



Well, we all have to do it someday!

"Testing, testing, one, two, three..."
